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Главная » 2011 » Январь » 19 » ‘Rabbit-fearing’ German teacher loses case against pupil (Немецкая учительница, боящаяся кроликов, проиграла суд против ученицы)
‘Rabbit-fearing’ German teacher loses case against pupil (Немецкая учительница, боящаяся кроликов, проиграла суд против ученицы)

A German court has thrown out the case of a schoolteacher against a pupil who had allegedly been tormenting her by scrawling pictures of rabbits on the blackboard. Немецкий суд отклонил обвинения, выдвинутые против ученицы, якобы мучившей учительницу нарисованными на доске картинками кроликов.
throw somebody/something ↔ out (phrasal verb) – if people throw out a plan or suggestion, they refuse to accept it:
The idea was thrown out by the committee
allegedly [ə'leʤɪdlɪ] – (formal) used when reporting something that people say is true, although it has not been proved (по утверждению):
a sports car, allegedly stolen in Manchester
torment [tɔː'ment] – to make someone suffer a lot, especially mentally (мучить):
Seth was tormented by feelings of guilt.
scrawl [skrɔːl] – to write in a careless and untidy way, so that your words are not easy to read (писать неразборчиво):
He scrawled his name at the bottom.

The teacher claimed that the pupil was abusing her by playing on her fear of rabbits. Учительница заявила, что подопечная оскорбляла ее, играя на ее кролико-фобии.
The court in Vechta, northern Germany declined to hear the complaint of the teacher, who was seeking an injunction against the 14-year-old girl to stop her from making the drawings or claiming the plaintiff had a paralysing fear of rabbits. Суд Вечты, что в северной Германии, отказался выслушивать жалобу учительницы, которая требовала наложить судебное ограничение на 14-летнюю девочку и запретить ей рисовать или говорить, что у истца есть парализующая боязнь кроликов.
injunction [ɪn'ʤʌŋkʃ(ə)n] – (law) an order given by a court which tells someone not to do something (судебный запрет)
The family is seeking an injunction against the book’s publication.
claim – to state that something is true, even though it has not been proved
The product claims ‘to make you thin without dieting’.
plaintiff ['pleɪntɪf] – someone who brings a legal action against another person in a court of law (=complainant) (истец)
"The plaintiff now has a month to appeal the verdict,” said Mechthild Beckermann, the court’s chief judge. "Истец в течение месяца имеет право подать на апелляцию” – сказал Mechthild Beckermann, главный судья.
appeal – to make a formal request to a court or someone in authority asking for a decision to be changed:
She is not happy with the decision and plans to appeal.
Witnesses had told the judge that the teacher ran sobbing out of the classroom when she saw the image of a rabbit on the blackboard. Очевидцы сообщили судье, что преподавательница, увидев изображение кролика на классной доске, всхлипывая, выбежала из комнаты.
sob – to cry noisily while breathing in short sudden bursts:
He began sobbing uncontrollably.

The girl denied making the drawings. Девочка опровергла авторство рисунка.
Two years ago at another school, the teacher took a pupil to court and reached a settlement in which the teenager agreed never again to claim that the plaintiff "freaked out” when she saw a rabbit or heard the word. Два года назад, уже в другой школе, учительница привлекла ученика в суд и добилась решения, в котором подросток согласился никогда не утверждать, что истец "сходит с ума”, когда она видит кролика или слышит это слово.
freak out (phrasal verb) – to become very anxious, upset or afraid, or make someone very anxious, upset or afraid (беситься, сходить с ума):
The whole idea freaked me out.
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